Ellen Koyote Millar
Senior Adviser – Project and Process Improvement Office, The University of Oslo
E. Koyote Millar works as a Senior Adviser for the University of Oslo's central administration in two different teams with a focus on project and process management and support. They have worked for the University of Oslo in a variety of projects, roles and departments since 1997. Their current competencies and responsibilities include:
Administration of The UiO Project Management Framework
Project management and process facilitation
Training, coaching and facilitation for administrative project managers, project owners, steering groups and project teams
Facilitating individual and organizational change
In addition to their roles at UiO, Koyote is a Gestalt Therapist MNGF in private practice. They have a cand. polit. degree from the University of Oslo and The University of Washington in social anthropology, philosophy, gender studies and communications, a long involvement with yoga and meditation, and a love of learning and good, honest questions. In addition to their UiO- and therapist work, they dabble as a poet and singer-songwriter. You need not fear group singing, enforced hugging or embarrassing collective rituals during their presentation for NUAS.
Project Managing Transformative Changes
Friday, August 16, 2019
11:00 –11:45