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Fakultet for humaniora, samfunnsvitenskap og lærerutdanning, B1005
Track B: Education in a Digital Perspective

TECH.PHIL: Technology and Society The working life portal

Tech.Phil: Technology and Society

Digital competence is a key factor in ensuring the employability of candidates in all professions vital to our society. This course will provide a fundamental understanding of our digital world. Technology and Society gives an overview of how technology affects our lives and the way we work, as well as our social structures, work patterns and individual preferences contribute to shaping technology. Social media, digital governance, and eHealth are all examples of how technology has profoundly changed our everyday lives in the last few decades. An understanding of the benefits and limitations of technology is vital in any profession, regardless of field or specialty.

The Working Life Portal 
A national platform and market place for interaction from education to employment.
An internal group at OsloMet identified the need for coordination of administrative processes regarding practical training. OsloMet conducted a preliminary project to identify the user demands for the various actors involved in practical training. The analysis from the preliminary project resulted in an application for funding to Difi. 7.65 MNOK is granted OsloMet and the development of a national platform for interaction from education to employment. The project aims at releasing the national solution by June 2020.

  • Higher quality of practical training

  • Improved and simplified interaction between the actors involved in practical training

  • Lower use of resources and improved user experiences for students, practical training places  and education institutions.

view a (.pdf) copy of this presentation
Hanne Cecilie Geirbo

Associate Professor at Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

Marianne Brattland

|Director of Education at OsloMet, Norway

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