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* .pdf files of presentations and session videos (where available) are posted on the Sessions page and will be updated as we receive permission from our presenters.

NUAS Forum 2019: The Digital Workplace — Skills For a Changing World

NUAS Forum 2019 has come and gone and we want to thank everyone who attended, in person as well as virtually, and contributed to making our most ambitious event to date a great success.

We hope that all of our Nordic colleagues who participated found the experience to be  enriching and worth while, and hope that you will continue to be involved in NUAS events going forward! Be sure to keep updated with the NUAS interest groups at for conference and activity information.

This website will be kept live for the foreseeable future and will be updated with presentations as permission from our speakers comes in. 


Thank you again for a great NUAS Forum at UiT The Arctic University of Norway! 


NUAS Forum 2019

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